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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Review: Coach Nicole's 28 Day Bootcamp DVD

For anyone who reads my review of Coach Nicole's DVD, I'd like to disclose up front that I received this DVD for free from SparkPeople, and did not receive any form of payment for my review.  In addition, I am a regular blogger for The Daily Spark (, and have articles published every Thursday.  I also co-lead the Jumpstart January Challenge, and the Spring into Shape Challenge on SparkPeople, both of which use Coach Nicole's videos as a basis for the challenge.  I also serve as a Community Leader answering questions on the Panic Message Board.   All that being said, I feel completely free to give both pros and cons and discuss my honest opinion regarding this 28 Day Boot Camp DVD.

I've always found Nicole encouraging and motivational.  I've blogged about the fact that she inspired me early on to start running again after a 20 year break, and through that has helped me become the healthier person I am now after over 2 years on SparkPeople.  She's her normal upbeat self on this DVD.

So here are my pros and cons after reviewing and completing the DVD myself:


*  I like the fact that the two people working out with her look like normal people I'd see at the gym.  I tend to dislike DVD's that look like they are shot with fitness models.
*  I like the room they are working out in and find the environment - the thought of working out there and then having water and sitting on the couch to talk about health with friends- appealing.
*  I liked some of the balance challenges and the fact that some of the exercises were new to me.  After three years of hitting the gym, doing all kinds of DVD's, Wii games, and reading 6 health/fitness/diet related magazines a month, sometimes I feel like I've seen most everything.  She surprised me with a few new things and that was nice.
*  I trust her - I asked her once via twitter or sparkmail (I can't remember) when she was going to post a kettlebell workout video?  She responded by saying not until she was certified to teach it.  Since then I have had a high level of faith that she has thoroughly researched and/or trained in something before she releases it to the public. 
* Overall I think by following the program, you get a good full body workout.
*  Having the option to follow the calendar provided on the DVD is helpful to people who are new to working out, or just unfamiliar with how to plan a month long whole body routine.
*  I liked the bonus features that were available on the DVD - specifically the one labels "From Exhale: Thighs & Glutes" and the "Seated Abs"  You can both of these with only a chair.  You can find a longer option of seated ab exercises on on the Healthy Lifestyles tab under videos.
*  I liked the fact that all you needed to do the DVD was a mat and a pair of dumbbells.  That makes it easy for someone who is new to fitness and may not have fitness equipment at home.
*  I liked the fact that many of the exercises were single leg options.  I tend to think that this helps build your body equally and doesn't allow the strong leg to do all the work.


* I wasn't that crazy about the music that was used - but that is a personal preference and doesn't impact my ability to do the workout.
* I wish there was a little bit more emphasis on beginner options, or instruction to do them with no weights at all.  I know quite a few people come to SparkPeople without a lot of fitness background, so this is why I wish there was a little more emphasis for that population.  There is an exerciser doing lower impact options, but that didn't seem clear to me in every segment.
* I played the DVD straight through and wished that each segment showed the title as it moved into it.  I had to go back to the menu to see which segment I was viewing.  Again that doesn't impact the workout.
*  My personal preference is to do aerobics or weights and not feel like I'm doing a combo of both.  There were a couple of exercises that caused me to pause and make sure I was doing them correctly because it was a complicated combo - for example - the skull crusher (weight exercise) combined with an advanced bridge combo.  This doesn't mean it isn't a good exercise, but I think it's a complicated one and should be progressed to in stages to prevent injury.  
*  Unless I missed it, there isn't a reference to the fact that eating healthy has to be a part of the program.  None of us can outwork a bad diet.  That doesn't necessarily have to be mentioned in any workout DVD, but in my opinion it should be. 

Overall, I'm very glad that I have this as part of my workout arsenal.  It gives me a good workout option for days I don't want to go to the gym.  I would recommend getting it, but I would advise anyone to do the entire workout once or twice without weights so that you learn the moves and thus reduce any potential risk for injury. 

I routinely use Coach Nicole's free videos on SparkPeople and would encourage anyone who can't afford to purchase the DVD to try those out.  You can get a $3 off Target coupon at  If you do purchase it at Target, you will get a code for 250 Spark Points as well.

I appreciate the continued effort that SparkPeople makes to provide workouts that are creative, challenging, and  combined with support from teams and normal people just trying to live healthy, can truly make an impact in anyone's life.  Being involved in two challenge teams has given me the unique opportunity to see it work for people on a regular basis.  I have no doubt that combined with healthy eating, this DVD used in the bootcamp format would improve someone's physical fitness and health.  In the end though, no DVD is magic and you do have to do your part.  I tried rubbing it on my thighs but it apparently had no magic and they didn't immediately shrink! 

Keep on working out!


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