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Monday, January 23, 2012

Don't give up - You can do it

Well today was about a ten on the stress meter for me.  Several years ago that would mean a trip to a fast food joint for something unhealthy, and then by the time I got home I would be too tired to workout.  I'd like to think those days are totally behind me, but I realize they aren't.  What I have learned is that I have coping skills and tools available to help through the hard times.

Here are two that I used today: 

I'm photo blogging my meals for a couple of days to make sure I stay on track...

 Egg beaters with spinach, mushroom, scallion, ham, laughing cow cheese, whole wheat toast plain, blueberries topped with plain greek yogurt mixed with honey and cinnamon.

Mid= morning was my favorite chocolate, mocha, banana, protein shake.

 Lunch - tuna, dill relish, celery scallion on whole wheat with lowfat pepper jack cheese.  Strawberries.
 Afternoon - whole wheat mini bagel - almond butter - dark chocolate chips.  Nectarine with apple pie spice.
Throughout the day I've logged my food on my SparkPeople nutrition tracker.  I've had the following fruits and veggies: spinach, mushroom, scallion, blueberries, banana, celery, strawberries, nectarine, lettuce, baby kale, sunflower sprouts. 

My salad at dinner had goat cheese, pistachios, and dried sour cherries on it and that combo tasted awesome to me.

So I'm in my calorie range, and I have had plenty of water.  That makes me feel better.

I reached out to four close friends via text and call when I needed support.  I also participated with my teams on Spark.  I ended the day doing part of Coach Nicole's 28 Day Bootcamp DVD.  I'll be writing a review of that within the next two days.

The other thing that gave me a boost today - I found this from someone I follow on Twitter:

A list of 50 Ways to be Happier.  I'm definitely saving this one! 

My last big feat of the day - I took just about everything out of my office, dusted, mopped, rearranged, power trashed, and moved back in.  If it didn't help me work, study, or exercise - it isn't in here anymore.  I feel decluttered, peaceful, and I made a great space to workout in where I can see my computer.  Thumbs up for being able to go on or SparkPeople and access some free workout videos that I like.

This is the motivational poster I found today through another link.  I love twitter for giving me access for free to fitness bloggers, and companies promoting health around the world.  Motivation at the tips of my fingers whenever I need it.

So if I can make it through stress day and come out intact on the other side, so can you.  Who can you turn to if your today or tomorrow doesn't go as planned?  Have you tried photo blogging your food?  Do you use the nutrition tracker?  What tips do you have for me?

Hang in there and keep on pressing towards your goals,


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