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Saturday, January 14, 2012

All in a day's run...

Base Camp Notes 1.14.12
 I ran the Hotcake Hustle 5k this morning with my best friend, Susie (on the right) and my daughter Rachael.  It was our first race of the year.  Last year I did 13 including a mudrun and a half marathon.  I'm not sure what our goal is for this year yet.

Here is my daughter and Aunt Susie.  I love the fact that Rachael and I can share these events and have fun while exercising.

If you're in the Dallas area, this race is in Addison.  Last year they had the Hot Chocolate Run and this year the Hotcake Hustle - both years #fail because they did not have enough mugs for the runners.  So more than half of us walked away without one.  Also #fail in that their information prior to the race was not up to par with some others I've seen.  #score in that they had a fabulous announcer who was full of energy and keep the crowd going by reading off names of runners who were coming to the finish line and cheered them on.  #score for the guys who stand out there in the cold and make pancakes for 2,500 people each year!  #score inside warm bathrooms so you don't have to freeze your butt off in the port-o-potty.  #score in that it's not massively huge like some of the races we run in Dallas - big enough crowd for fun but not so large that it's just hard to run.  #score that the course is easy and the bridge running is nice.

Our next race is in February when we will be doing a different Hot Chocolate Run at Fair Park with a chocolate expo afterwards - #doublescore - chocolate and exercise!

Kudos to my daughter today because she was out till midnight last night with the premier of the play her theater group is doing and post play pancakes at IHOP.  She was up to run this morning, with a little nap in the car on the way...

Kudos to my BFF for continuing to run with me at these events.  If I didn't have a buddy to meet or to go with, I would have a harder time waking myself up and getting out from under the warm covers in the dark to go run.  Having exercise buddies is a critical part to my long term success in the weight maintenance strategy.

What made me laugh today?  Susie didn't know it but my playlist wouldn't play today (I failed to charge my phone last night - fail on me!) so I was running with my earphones in but not hearing anything.  She is doing the Michael Jackson thing throughout the race moving her arms and hands, sometimes singing a little, and halfway through the race she shouts at me "I had a 5 hour energy drink this morning and I feel great".  Little did she know that everyone within a 30 yard radius now knew she had a 5 hour energy drink.  I don't think she realized how loud she was talking.  I just gave her the thumbs up and tried not to laugh.

Besides my mudrun, this is the only race I've run without a playlist.  I had ample time to listen to those around me, focus on my breathing, and think about more things during the race.  Next time first on my list is charging my phone, but I did learn somethings about my running today just by listening.  I didn't realize so many people ran without music and talked all the way through the run.

It's also the first run where I had no idea of my pace, or my time.  Since my phone wasn't charged, I couldn't use my RunKeeper Pro app that I always have on during a race.  So today was about enjoyment, exercise in the early morning sun, being with friends, enjoy the race atmosphere, the pancakes, and learning.

Love this poster that I got from someone's website. is on the bottom of the image.  It's really true - working out not only does your body good, but it's good for your mind and your mood.

Hold on while I take this very important call...

I loved my new red shirt I got at Luke's Locker last night.  I could spend some serious bucks in that store on a regular basis...

So what's your workout today?

PS...if you haven't read my latest article published on The Daily Spark, you can find it here:

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