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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Project Inspiration and other Notes

My blog is up on The Daily Spark and you can find it here: Project Inspiration

My quote today from my jar is -- If the wind will not serve, take to the oars - Latin Proverb.  Figure out what isn't working and change it. #new habit begins today

The thought behind that quote is just the realization that if you keep repeating bad habits you get what you sow and end up with bad results.  Sometimes you need to change in order to get what you want.

 I liked this picture that I found and you can check this guy out at  He's a fitness blogger that cracks me up with his humor and the challenges he faces of losing weight.  One of the things he did though that inspires is he just put himself out there and let people know what he was trying to do.  It helped hold him accountable.

This poster conveys what I thought about with the #projectinspiration quote today.  Sometimes you have to change things in order to get where you want to go.
So yesterday was the start of a new month and I was reevaluating my goals and reviewing what I did for January.  I realized that even though I bought this awesome marker board calendar last month, and dutifully wrote my agenda out - it was easy to get off track and just do whatever.  This month I put myself out there and sent it to six people who are in my accountability circle.  My Twilight Challenge team members will understand what I wrote on the Feb 11th square!  I will be putting a check mark on the days I kept my workout goal, and a star for the days I stayed in calorie range.  Now it will not be so easy to get off track because I'll have to fess up to my six peeps who are helping to inspire me to reach my goals.

I think I'll count one of my classes at my personal trainer conference as a reward.  I signed up for one of the sessions called cardio drumming.  I have no idea what it is but I'm a wanna be drummer and it sounded fun.  A friend of mine googled it and found this:  Cardio Drumming.  If this is really what's in my class then I am going to have a blast.  Srgt. Ken's bootcamp class - maybe not so much fun!

I really think that 99% of our challenge to get and stay healthy is mental, so I'm trying to use every trick for assistance, support, motivation, and consistency to support my brain to remember that yes I can do this.  Shout out to my inner circle that helps keep me grounded and strong.  It would be tougher doing this without you.

So what's your inspiration today?

1 comment:

  1. Okay - I got Hank's website wrong --
